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Network for EdWork

A network of strong, diverse leaders in education.

Recruit, Retain and Develop Educators of Color

The Network for EdWork (NWEW) aims to identify and dismantle racist institutionalized structures and practices within and around us through person-centered development and support for educators and leaders to activate the intentions, theories, and practices of liberation.

We believe that supporting and connecting BIPOC educators and leaders is essential to creating education spaces where students of color – and thereby, all students – thrive. 

Our work is grounded in the TAF Liberation Pedagogy model, designed to help our educators recognize and intentionally unlearn institutionally racist cultural norms, replace those norms with more inclusive behaviors that are culturally affirming and sustaining for all, and finally, engage in cycles of reflection regarding liberatory pedagogies with others to create sustainable change in our communities.

We aim to make the educator and education leader populations more representative of their student populations by:

  • Supporting the growth of new educators who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC)
  • Sustaining and encouraging retention of our educators and leaders
  • Developing leaders and a leadership community of BIPOC educators and education leaders

The Network develops collaborative partnerships with and among:

  • Higher Education
  • School Districts
  • Schools
  • Nonprofits

We Build Staying Power

Across Washington state and throughout the United States, classroom teachers and educational leaders are highly disproportionately white. Students of color deserve to see themselves represented in education, and educators of color deserve to work in environments that value their identities and perspectives. 

Network for EdWork provides person-centered development, prioritizing and supporting the emotional and professional development of educators of color at all stages of their careers. We want educators of color who enter into education to stay — whether in the classroom or at the district level.

Shomari Jones of Bellevue School District leads a discussion at the Martinez Fellowship annual summer conference.

Programs for liberation in education

We offer three core programs that support BIPOC educators and educators as well as white leaders in education on their journey
to create an equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist public education system.

Martinez Fellowship

Early-career professional development, networking opportunities, and community building for new BIPOC teachers.

Education EnCounter

Identity-sustaining leadership and community building through the lens of liberation for current and aspiring BIPOC leaders.

Ally Engagment

Professional learning for white leaders to develop liberatory practices in support of BIPOC leaders, educators, students, and community members.

Stay connected.

Upcoming Events

Network for EdWork’s programs, Martinez Fellowship and Education Leaders of Color (ELOC), host events throughout the year for educators of color to connect. Find the next event below.

Feeding the Movement Podcast

In TAF’s newest podcast series, Feeding the Movement, Network for EdWork brings together various education leaders of color in discussion to ‘shoot the chit.’ 

Look for new episodes soon!


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