Ready to EnCounter?

BIPOC educators and leaders carry an additional load due to racial inequities experienced across the education system. The Liberatory Leadership Series is designed to cultivate learning, healing, reflection, celebration, and community for BIPOC leaders, unlike most other professional development. EnCounters are a space to undo, replace, engage, and recognize oppressive and supremacist values and practices to strengthen our knowledge of self and the education system. In a system that was not designed for BIPOC students, let alone BIPOC educators and leaders, Education EnCounter has the potential to help create powerful counternarratives about who we are and who we want to become.
Education EnCounter is a program designed to provide space for BIPOC educators to discuss challenges specific to our intersectional identities. Each year, we embark on an exciting year of workshops to strategically plan for the change we hope for and believe in.
We’re emboldening our leaders to set boundaries and chart their course for impact.