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Martinez Fellowship

Recruiting, developing, and empowering teachers of color in Washington state.

We educate in color.

The Martinez Fellowship program is changing the culture of education by prioritizing the professional growth and sustainability of teachers of color and that will increase the overall number of teachers of color in Washington state. 

We recruit teachers of color to the profession and equip them with the critical tools necessary to navigate their first years of teaching — as an educator and person of color. With support, our Fellows remain in education longer, are better able to withstand early burnout, and become education leaders who accurately represent the racial diversity of Washington’s students.

Our impact spreads from educators to students.

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We prepare teachers to lead, liberated.

We partner with Washington state colleges and universities to offer individuals of color who are pursuing a B.A. in education, Masters in Education, or an alternate route of certification with the tools needed to become powerful educational leaders. 

Martinez Fellows are empowered to celebrate their cultural identities and use the professional development and social skills to become classroom leaders who inspire students and advocate for educational equity within districts.

Educators of color in the Martinez Fellowship Program enjoy:

From the time a Fellow is inducted into the fellowship, they are guaranteed two years of support during the most critical time of their teaching career. Through a series of seminars, site visits, network connections, and expert guidance, teachers have someone to call on every step of the way.

Along with coaching, Martinez Fellowship membership means that Fellows have access to a network of support from not just organizational, but from peer educators as well. Being a part of a community with shared experiences means Fellows always have a place where their unique challenges as educators of color are understood. Within the fellowship, race-based conversations become comfortable and advice is offered generously. Fellows are encouraged, professionally and emotionally, which helps them give their best selves to their students. 

Martinez Fellows receive carefully curated and relevant professional development sessions through four seminars each school year. Fellows gather to learn best practices from experts in education around topics like. Although the seminars are mandatory for the newest cohort of Fellows, sessions are often attended by our alumni Fellows as well — as participants and facilitators. Having this mix of ’emerging and experience’ provides a balance to discussions as challenges arise, helps Fellows remain in-touch, and ensures teaching practices are well-informed by both experts and the lessons of their peers.

We aren’t only preparing our Fellows to teach, but also empowering them to lead. As our Fellows mature as educators, we offer various opportunities for them to develop leadership skills in the development of curricula for our seminars and as facilitators. Fellows are supported to take risks and grow in their profession. This takes the form of support for Fellows as they grow in their role within their schools, pursue the National Board Teaching Certificate, apply for an administrative role in education, and access to enroll in Education EnCounter, our BIPOC leadership program.

Interested in applying? Download the Martinez Fellowship Brochure to learn more.

Watch: Maestra Jeni and "los gatitos."

Martinez Fellow Jennifer Estrada works at Hilltop Elementary in the Highline School District. Since joining the fellowship in 2018, Jeni says she finally feels her experiences as a teacher of color are validated and now she can use what she's learned to create equitable classrooms for her students.

Join the fellowship.

Check first to see if we partner with your college or university. If so reach out to the education department to get started! 

Need more information?
Contact nwew@techaccess.org

We partner with 11 select colleges and universities across Washington state. By working in tandem with our partners, Fellows receive a continuity of support — from campus and the Martinez Fellowship.

Membership to the fellowship is granted through an application, interview, and selection process. New cohorts are inducted on an annual basis in June.


Featured educators from our newest cohort.

Thirty-nine fellows have just begun their journey in the fellowship. Hear why they are passionate about teaching.



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