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The Journey from Classroom to Career Begins with You

Our goal at TAF is clear – to redefine public education

Together with donors like you we give children the opportunity to be the best contributing citizens they can be and give educators the training and tools they need to make meaningful change in a flawed system.  

The STEMbyTAF learning model is led and powered by TAF partner educators and utilizes project-based learning that has our scholars seeking STEM based solutions for problems they see in their local communities. Each project cycle has students thinking critically about a question based around their community and centered in core learning concepts that they will need for life outside of school.  

Since 1996 TAF has worked hard to not only create access to opportunities in the classroom, but to create access and exposure to a diverse range of career paths – and partners with school districts, STEM industry leaders, and other organizations that are committed to supporting the students of color that we serve in shaping their futures. 

Meet Miley and Jacqueline – TAF students cultivating their futures through TAF community partnership.

Miley and Jacqueline are two TAF@Saghalie 10th graders who are using the skills they’re learning at their TAF partner school to work towards their post-secondary school futures as part of the Pacific Science Center (PacSci) Discovery Corps program. The Discovery Corps is a four-year paid internship for high school-aged youth in the greater Seattle area. It is designed as a cohort-based learning model and is intended to connect students with similar science interests and provide opportunities to make connections, build their network, and create a learning space that feels inclusive and safe. 

Competition was fierce, and Miley and Jacqueline worked hard with their TAF College and Career Readiness Advisor to build resumes, write a series of three essays, find letters of reference, and prepare for the interview which was all part of the application process. Out of over 150 candidates, Miley and Jacqueline were chosen for this program.  

Because of dedicated support from their teachers, funded by donors like you, each student was able to apply with confidence, and now has the opportunity to be a part of this program that pays $19.35 an hour, offers a retirement plan, a free PacSci membership and various other opportunities through the Pacific Science Center’s education network.  

You are funding one-on-one coaching that helps TAF students stand out in a competitive workforce. Your support today means more students like Miley and Jacqueline learn in an environment where their voice matters. 


Miley is excited to work towards her goal of being a Dermatologist – by learning about the human body through the Pacific Science Center’s programming and exhibitions. At school, Miley is a part of the robotics club and is looking forward to building for competitions this year. On the job, her Discovery Corps cohort is studying Horticulture, and she in turn is leading project creation and teaching younger learners about nature as part of her interning duties. 

Jacqueline was recommended to the Discovery Corps program by her TAF College and Career Advisor as well as her Engineering teacher Mr. Alvarado. She loves creating and building and is excited to pursue a career as an engineer after high school. She applied for the program as an opportunity to continue her learning in STEM. She also credits the program, in addition to her presentations of learning at school, for her newfound confidence in public speaking: 

“When I first joined the program, I had a hard time opening up. Being a greeter was hard for me, but now I’ve gained a lot of confidence and it’s my favorite part [of the job].”

Future Leaders of All Backgrounds –
A 360-degree approach for equitable education.


Our programs tackle public education from all angles. We create equitable learning environments for low-income and underserved students and the educational staff that teach and lead them. 

We believe that learning happens at all levels and that supporting and connecting BIPOC educators and leaders is essential to creating education spaces where students of color – and thereby, all students – thrive. 


Across Washington state and throughout the United States, classroom teachers and educational leaders are disproportionately white. Students of color deserve to see themselves represented in education, and educators of color deserve to work in environments that value their identities and perspectives.  

The Network for EdWork provides person-centered development, prioritizing and supporting the emotional and professional development of educators of color at all stages of their careers. We want educators of color who enter into education to stay — whether in the classroom or at the district level. 


Your support today means we can continue the Martinez Fellowship program and the Network for Edwork. Together we can put a dent in the disparity in education – so more students of color can learn from teachers who look like them. 



Miley and Jacqueline attend TAF@Saghalie, a school co-managed by TAF and Federal Way Public schools – the only non-profit and school district partnership of its kind in the state.

School Transformation

We partner with additional public schools to create academic environments that eliminate race-based disparities and center student voice and choice.

Network for EdWork

We recruit and retain teachers of color to classrooms and support leadership development to improve teacher and school leader diversity in Washington State.

Academy for EDvancement

We host teacher professional development programs to teach our STEMbyTAF model.


Invest today in one student, and the infinite futures they will create.

Support a student today. Your monthly gift will transform classrooms into spaces where the only limit on student learning is their own imagination and curiosity.