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Gallery: What success looks like (TAF Academy graduation 2017)


On Saturday, June 17th, the long-awaited day finally came to fruition for TAF Academy seniors. Only a few hours after entering the exhibition hall of the Tacoma Dome, newly graduated high school seniors emerged to a hall filled with proud families and friends.

For many graduates, TAF Academy was a place where they found their footing in life, learned about the endless possibilities in front of them and settled on their unique plans of action to impact the world. In many ways, as described during the graduation ceremony by seniors, TAF Academy was home.

When watching students simultaneously switch their cap tassels from one to the other, one thing became apparent. Regardless of where the students will find themselves later in life, they were given the opportunities to see the world through an empowering lens, supported by a community that values individuality,  and anchored with the realization that dreams are attainable. The barriers to success that are often times blatantly present, had been eliminated.

The diverse class of 2017 has become another breathing example of how teaching students how to learn, discover, self-advocate and experiment with a preset of tools, resources, and committed supporters can uncover hidden talent. We’re so happy to have shined a light on these amazing students and their limitless potential! Congratulations TAF Academy class of 2017!

Here’s a recap of graduation through pictures:

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