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Expanding TAF Academy to serve more students

We’re taking a successful model, and expanding it.

In fall of 2017, TAF Academy will become TAF@Saghalie. We’re taking our successful STEMbyTAF academic model, and expanding it – growing from 300 to 800 students.


We’ll reach more kids, and affect more change in a new community that mirrors our own, where minority students make up the majority of the student body, and capacities to learn and thrive are endless.

“We’re creating a new school with an old heart and soul. We’re increasing access to a 21st century education through our STEMbyTAF academic model.”
– Trish Millines Dziko, TAF Co-founder & CEO

Reaching more students, for greater impact.

TAF Academy is a 6th-12th grade public neighborhood school managed in partnership with the Federal Way Public School district. It is also the only school in Washington state to be co-managed by a nonprofit (TAF). Since opening in 2008, the school has received numerous awards for innovation and its commitment to project-based learning practices and STEM curriculum. TAF Academy students benefit from the foundation’s cultivation of strong corporate relationships which provide students with STEM industry experience through internships, innovation challenges, and more.


Despite the school’s success, TAF Academy has been in portables on the campus of another junior high for the last almost 10 years. Additionally, space has been limited and therefore interested students have been wait-listed. In an effort to offer the STEMbyTAF model to more students, TAF and the Federal Way Public Schools district came up with a solution that benefits both our TAF Academy students and existing Saghalie students. Now, we’ll be able to bring our model to more kids and create more opportunities.

Adding more courses and opportunities.

More space means room for more (and better) programming. In addition to highlights like having our own building, cafeteria, and courtyard, we’re excited about the following electives we’re improving and/or adding to our course offerings:


Lighthouse Engineering

Digital Music

Digital music program where students can create and master their own tracks


Robotics will now be a course offered as an elective during the day, rather than an after school program.

Digital Art

Digital art program that uses professional graphic design software


Students will have the opportunity to visit colleges, maker spaces, and STEM hubs around the country, and world.

Developing 21st century and technology skills.

There’s a lot that goes into expanding a school on such a large scale. Here’s what we need for our students, and how you can help support our goal for the start of the 2017-2018 school year:

Help us serve more students. Donate today.

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