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Countdown to Expo!

 In #TAFLab, #TeamTAF

Fifty-five middle schoolers. Three hundred-fifty elementary school kids. Thirteen public school teachers. Three STEM co-teachers and five after-school instructors. Dozens of TAF volunteers. Add them all together, plus families and friends, and you have the TAF Expo, our annual exhibition, competition and celebration of the hard work and STEM learning of TAF’s K-8 enrichment programs, TechStart and STEM Up.

This is our fifth annual Expo, and for us the most special: We’re hosting it at Bethaday Community Learning Space, our home in White Center! With four 21st-century classrooms, an Academic Support Area, and a spacious Multi-Purpose Room, we have the perfect spot for an exposition.


STEM Up students prep their robot for the Expo. Join us at this year’s TAF Expo on Saturday, May 18, at the Bethaday Community Learning Space, 11am-2pm.

The 2013 TAF Expo is this Saturday, May 18, 11am-2pm. The theme, as you might guess from our logo, is “EXPOnential.” Here are some of the Expo events to forward to:

  • Robotics competitions: A classic drag race (find out what designs our students have discovered build best for speed), an ultrasonic sensor challenge, and a fancy robot “catwalk” revue!
  • Kodu GameLab games developed by STEM Up middle schoolers!
  • Scratch games developed by TechStart 4th-6th graders!
  • A STEM College and Career Fair, featuring college readiness workshops hosted by the Stanford Black Alumni Association of Seattle!
  • Food, prizes, FUN!

Looking back at previous years’ Expos and getting ready for this years’, I can’t help think about how important such festivals are to our kids. A key element of project based learning and authentic intellectual work is demonstration of learning by presentation of finished work. This Saturday’s Expo will demonstrate the learning and work of almost 400 kids. I hope you can join us!

This year’s Expo is made possible by the generous support of Comcast. Thank you, Comcast!


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