How my Grandpa inspired me
My Education hero is my grandfather, Harold W. Crain who always had a smile on his face! I’ve always been amazed at what he accomplished and his intelligence. Through his actions and willingness to take risk and step out of the norm, he was an amazing man and he will always have a special place in my heart. Granddad, was born and raised in a small country town, Franklinton, Louisiana current population well over 3,000. As a young man, he served in World War II. Later, he married my lovely grandmother, Margie, and relocated to the great Northwest, Seattle, WA for higher paying job and better education opportunities. Out of that union, three children were born, two sons and a daughter. Granddad worked hard and retired from Lockheed shipyard. During this time, he purchased a home in the Magnolia area during a time where very few families of color resided. Later, my grandmother would pass away when I was just 5 years old due to complications with diabetes. I became closer to granddad and loved spending time with him. At this time, my grandfather sold his home and purchased 3 homes, one for each of his children. Growing up, it was a lot of fun to run back and forth from house to house. I did well in school because I always wanted him to be proud of me and to see him smile made my heart happy. As a teenager, I really grasped what my grandfather had achieved. As the oldest grandchild, he instilled the values of working hard and doing my best! This is why my grandfather is my education hero.