Seventh-grade Girls Tour KIRO 7
What makes TAF@Saghalie different?
We ensure students at our school, particularly those who are generally underrepresented in STEM fields, get exposed to various careers before graduating high-school. At TAF@Saghalie, students have access to college and career experiences starting in 6th-grade. But, what’s even more unique, is our commitment to ensuring our students see people in careers that look like them.
Twenty-two of our amazing 7th-grade girls from TAF@Saghalie were privy to an exclusive visit at KIRO 7, thanks to careful coordination by our partner Ignite Worldwide. The girls were able to watch a live taping of the news, get behind the scenes with reporters on a breaking story, and tour the facilities. They also had the chance to listen to powerful women tell their career stories about the media industry and witness plenty of people behind and in front of the camera that looked like them!
Thank you to our partner Ignite Worldwide for connecting our students with this opportunity and to the team at KIRO 7 for being so welcoming and informative.
Here are some pictures from the visit!