TAF Academy students work with Blackpast.org
Dr. Quintard Taylor, professor at UW, reached out to TAF to request some student help on updating and maintaining his side project, an online database for all things African American, www.BlackPast.org. With the help of TAF Academy teachers, we selected 5 students to help support the the website with database management, input, and quality control. These students began their work in February 2012, and are demonstrating the skills and professionalism that have become the norm for TAF Academy students.
Our students meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday to work together entering bibliographies, linking books and articles to Amazon.com and checking photographs for proper citation. Students working with Blackpast.org are gaining experience, work-related skills, internship credits and extra credit in their humanities courses.
Visit http://www.blackpast.org/?q=about-us-our-volunteer-team to view our students’ bios.