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ARE YOU READY FOR TAF? Lunchbreak 2022

 In #TAFStory, #TeamTAF

I think we learned to not let anything else distract us, which is why we’re here 25 years later. Not everyone was ready for TAF!

Sherry Williams

It’s time to get ready for TAF because we have an exciting program lined up to share with you, celebrating the 25 years of impact, and we’re not done yet! In this special showing we will hear from the people who started TAF, co-founders Trish and Jill Dziko, and Sherry Williams, one of the first employees who now serves as TAF’s Executive Director of Operations. Along with these long-time staff members, we’ll also hear directly from the community that matters most. Former TAF students, educators, and parents will share their experiences and the role TAF played in each of their stories.

We had to make that pivotal decision to go against the grain, right? The grain was, you’ve got to get those test scores up. We’re thinking we gotta get kids to feel comfortable in the environment they are in, we gotta get kids to feel like they can take risks.

Trish Millines Dziko

After decades of work, we’re seeing generational change in action. The kids that took part in our technical teens internship program in the late 90s are now leaders in healthcare, technology, and consulting. You’ll hear all about the impact their time with TAF has had on their careers.

The connections that TAF cultivates are lifelong. One of our students who went through TAF after school programs from their early years through high school, now works with their TAF instructor at Google. This is what comes of early intentional connection with students of color.

What do all these people who TAF has touched over the past 25 years have in common? They want to see a bright future for TAF, filled with growth so we can help improve education for more kids of color. Our past students want more kids like them to have access to hands on project-based learning with new technologies and real-world problem solving. Our parents want to see more families of color centered in student learning. Our founders want to see how far we can take this mission in another 25 years. 

Hear about all this and much more at our biggest fundraising event of the year, the 2022 Varsity Lunchbreak:

25 Years of TAF Excellence – and we’re not done yet!

Register today and join us at the YouTube premiere on March 16th, 11:30am to 12:30pm PDT

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